Bible Trivia
Quick Start
- Launch the app
- Press the "Start New Game" button
- Select the question pack
- Select Game Difficulty, note that selecting "All" includes all except the "Junior" questions
- Select the number questions for the game
- Select the number of players
- Begin the game
Playing the Game
- Each player takes turn answer questions
- Questions consist of either multiple choice or fill in the blank
- Fill in the blank questions are not case sensitive
- After each player has answered the question the current score and answer will be shown
- At any time you can quit the game and start over by pressing the menu button and quitting the game
In-App Purchases
- Press the "Menu" button at the top right
- Select "In-App Purchases"
- Select the purchase you'd like to make and press "Buy".
- Enter your Apple ID and Password.
- Confirm purchase and wait for processing.
- If your have previously purchased the product but have lost the purchase on the device click “Restore” and input your Apple ID and Password to restore the purchase.
- NOTE: You must purchase the product with the same Apple ID that you used to download the App.
Additional Support
Find an issue or an incorrect answer? Need other support? Please reach out to: [email protected]